The Goldilocks Zone
The Goldilocks Zone is an area of space in which a planet, like our own Earth, is perfectly distanced from its sun. The planet’s surface is neither too hot nor too cold (like baby bear’s porridge in the fairy tale). Conditions are just right so that liquid water remains on the surface of the planet without freezing or evaporating out into space. Life can form and flourish. Olga Konkova sees this as metaphor and as symbol. “It’s a place in the human soul where beautiful thoughts are born and nourished”.
There are many beautiful thoughts expressed throughout this album and they are communicated and articulated with grace and with skill. It is not inevitable that the collaboration of three virtuosi will create great art. In space, physics and chemistry must combine and align to produce precise conditions for life to form. In the recording studio, a microcosm of these effects must occur. There must be attraction and interaction; there must be harmony and empathy. The music must engage us on both the conscious and unconscious levels, allowing us to experience new depths and insights. This hugely creative album delivers on all levels.
Through the medium of Olga’s sensitive compositions, this most excellent trio has created the most hospitable of habitable zones. Olga herself best explains the titles of these remarkable tracks.
David Fishel