

The music and interplay between these three highly talented musicians is uncomplicated and unpretentious. But it is also deeply satisfying. It nourishes, without force-feeding. It is a debut to be proud of.

The band coast their way through pianist Audun Barsten Johnsen’s compositions. With Håkon Norby Bjørgo on bass and
Magnus Sefaniassen Eide on drums, the trio achieves a wonderfully balanced album jam-packed with richness of melody, euphonic harmonic structures and delightfully confident rhythmic configurations.

The artists, although relatively young, have strong musical backgrounds. All three are highly educated and have recorded and toured with an impressive array of ensembles.

Present Joy

This track will have you driving a red convertible sports car along a Riviera coast road, with not a care in the world. A simple bass riff, a simple melody stated by the piano and a tasty upbeat. The melody is later repeated – vocally – welcoming you to sing along! Happy music.

Small Talk

It sounds perhaps counterintuitive, but it’s very difficult to play well – slowly. You need great technical ability and you need restraint. You need to pay greater attention to the notes and the tonal quality you are producing and you need a raised level of empathy, sensitivity and responsiveness. Such qualities are evident in in bucket loads on this track, an enchanting, pensive ballad.


Magnus sets the pace with his brushes and we’re off for another ‘ride’.
Nattkjøring translates as ‘driving at night’ and once again, the music feels highly descriptive. You can put yourself behind the wheel and navigate through the night, windscreen wipers fighting to keep the road visible, dark, unidentifiable shapes but finally, we reach our destination – safely. The sense of release at those final bars – is palpable.


Google images of ‘Rondane National Park’ - and this track will provide the perfect musical setting for one of Norway’s most magnificent areas of natural beauty. Marvel at the snow peaked mountains, the lakes and waterfalls – watch out for wild reindeer! A highly emotive and descriptive track as is the imaginatively written and perfectly performed final track,

This young band has a natural symmetry; their music is infectious. They communicate extremely well, to each other and to the listener. This young band is going places!

David Fishel